

You picked me up,
When I was bruised,
Maimed and wrecked,
Then helped me mend my rekt heart.

You made me laugh,
Genuine laugh,
When all I knew was how to cry,
And drown in my sea of sorrow.

You taught me to love me,
To appreciate me for being me,
And never settle for any less,
Than what I truly warrant for.

You helped me saw the stars,
And how beautifully they looked,
As they were dancing with their little lamps,
At the time when the sun in my life had floundered.

You are rare,
Truly outstanding,
A vine made of love,
Filled with raw affection.

You are the definition of virtues,
Impeccable and flawless,
In all humanly ways possible,
And I adore you, sally.

It is with you that I knew love,
What to be loved, appreciated,
And wanted felt like.
I love you my gentle one.

Prince Diaries
brokenhearted, Life, Princediaries

Loosing me

Tell me.

Is losing me everything that you wanted?
Since its the only thing you ever spoke of me
Glistering with passion
Tell me you finally tasted freedom.
The moment we said our goodbyes

Tell me you are happy now.
In that far away land.
That you now call a home.
Away from home.

Tell me you are okay
That your mind is at peace
Because I see it in your eyes.
The lies that your voice speaks.

Tell me you love to destroy.
Because you left me broken.
And dead inside

Please tell me it will be okay
That one day it will be okay
Even when it’s not really okay